Bella Acapella back to rehearse!

Bella Acapella back to rehearse!Summer is slowly fading away and here we are, back to rehearsals !!! After a semester full of coachings, concerts, competition and a gold medal in Spain, we are back in our starting blocks to deliver three concerts.

All our efforts will be focused on those preparations that always mean hard work, sweat and fun (-:

Then our objective will be to work on our competition songs for next year, since thanks to our 2024 gold medal in Spain, we are qualified to go and compete at the European Barbershop Convention in Helsingborg, Sweden in May 2025.Bella Acapella back to rehearse!

Coachings to come, hours of work and rehearse and well, let’s try to make our dream come true !

This competition comes with quite a high cost for registration, travel and accommodation.

For this reason we started a “Go-fund-me”

and we will appreciate every contribution. We will communicate on our progress to achieve our goal.

Please, check out our new website! It’s still the same address but otherwise new. Amongst other features there is a possibility to sign up for our new way of keeping you all informed about our activities - a Newsletter, which will be sent out 3 - 4 times a year. We hope that you will like the website and our newsletter and that you will recommend it to your friends. Visit also our Facebook page:

If you are curious, come and give it a try. We hold an open rehearsal every first Wednesday of the month. Our next open rehearsal will take place on Wednesday the 2nd of October 2024. The chorus is always growing with any voice. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the Re-Criativa Association, Rua Republicá 14, Olhão.

Please save the dates of our three concerts to come :

  • Street concert at the Bordeira Com Vida Festival, Saturday 14th of September, from 4 pm, free
  • Música nas Igrejas, Saturday 5th of October, 6 pm, Tavira, Igreja do Carmo, 8 euros, to book :
  • Re-Criativa Association, Sunday 27th of October, 4 pm, Olhão, 8 euros for the association members, 10 euros for the non members, to book :