Cultural Networking Event was a true success

Women & Success and Teatro das Figuras offered a very pleasant evening to local professional women at their Cultural Networking Event.Women & Success and Teatro das Figuras offered a very pleasant evening to local professional women at their Cultural Networking Event. The Women & Success Cultural Networking Event that took place last Thursday at the Teatro das Figuras, was a true success!

More than 35 women responded to the invitation and had a chance to meet professional women, network, visit the backstage of a theatre and enjoy a contemporary dance show, at Teatro das Figuras, in Faro.

The ladies were welcomed by Ria van Doorn, who initiates all Women & Success projects and Joaquim Guerreiro, director of the Teatro das Figuras.

Cultural Networking Event was a true successThe kick off of the event was a very enjoyable networking game that helped women to establish professional contacts amongst each other. The ladies also had the opportunity to taste the delicious food and drinks offered by the restaurant Naturalmente, Multifenix and Phillipos Valtinos, Greek Restaurant.

It was then time for the guided tour of the theatre. The stars of this event, guided by the theatre’s head of Marketing and PR Elsa Cavaco, visited the auditorium, were able to visit the stage, enter the dressing rooms and have two very different perspectives of the stage: one 18 metres above it and the other directly underneath it.

After the very exclusive view of the backstage it was then time to appreciate what was on stage, a contemporary dance show called Hu(r)mano, by the Portuguese choreographer Marco da Silva Ferreira.

AIPAR - Associação de Proteção à Rapariga e à Família was very pleased to be a part of this event in which the institution raised more than € 90,00 to help young women in situation of economic and emotional deprivation.

Women & Success thanks the sponsors for this event: Restaurante Naturalmente for natural and healthy food, Greek Restaurant – Catering - Cake factory, MultiFenix Lda - Portugal Organic Wine, Faro Avenida Business Centre – meeting rooms, physical and virtual offices, Optica Jóia - Optometrist and Teatro das Figuras. Photography by Tânia Farias.

Women & Success is an initiative of Ria van Doorn. Together with a group of inspiring women she organizes workshops, meetings and events to stimulate women to unleash their potential, enabling them to reach and exceed their goals.

More information on the project’s activities on
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