
Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door event overcomes the competition of football and elections

Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door event overcomes the competition of football and electionsDespite some minor interruptions in the form of early October rain, the 13th edition of Quinta dos Vales’ “Open Door” was once again a resounding success. Although there were noticeably fewer Portuguese faces in attendance than usual, because of the elections and three important football matches, the turnout exceeded expectations.

The strong interest of the Algarvian and Lisbon foreign community brought the visitor count once again above the magical number of 2.000 despite the strong “competition”.

Besides the permanent staple of great wine and food on offer during these events, spectators also enjoyed, in three different event areas, several dance groups, horse and falconry shows, live art performances and of course excellent musicians.

Karl Heinz Stock, initiator of the event, noted “I invited Raquel Peters, arguably one of the best Fado singers of the Algarve. I have to admit that it took me quite some courage, as Fado is great in a small and quiet environment but could have been counterproductive during a large event, however it did pay off to see hundreds of spectators listening and participating during this unexpected live Fado performance at the end of the day.

Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door event overcomes the competition of football and elections

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