
Chelsea Pensioner At Remembrance Day Service

British Ambassador Mrs Kirsty Hayes lays a wreath on Remembrance SundayA Chelsea Pensioner, resplendent in his familiar scarlet uniform, was among the guests at a Remembrance Day Service at St. Luke’s Church, Palhagueira Village, Gorjões earlier this month.

Military veteran Gordon Sanders was joined in the wreath-laying ceremony by Mrs Kirsty Hayes, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic and Philip Ladbrook, on behalf of the Portugal Royal British Legion’s Algarve Branch.

British Ambassador Mrs Kirsty Hayes, flanked by the RBL’s Phillip Ladbroke and Chelsea Pensioner Gordon SandersOnce again there was an impressive turnout for the service commencing with the Last Post, the 2-minute silence and Reveille followed by the wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial.

After a moving service conducted by the Reverend Ron Curtis and following refreshments in the Palhagueira Village Hall, lunch was taken in the adjacent Le Marquis Restaurant with Mrs Kirsty Hayes and Gordon Sanders as distinguished guests.
The Legion’s Portugal branch Chairman Jacquie Collins said afterwards: “The Royal British Legion would like to thank all those who contributed, both in attendance and organisation, to this Remembrance Commemoration. Throughout the Portugal branch we also had services in Lisbon, Madeira and Porto. They were all well attended and Armistice Day Wreaths At Tavira Memorialsupported by HM Embassy and the British consul, and we are so pleased and moved that we have that support.”

The Royal British Legion also laid a wreath in commemoration of Armistice Day at the Grand Guerra Memorial in the Praça da Republica, Tavira on Wednesday 11th November.
This was in conjunction with the ‘Liga dos Combatentes’ who hosted the ceremonial and religious service which was attended by the Mayor of Tavira and representatives of the Portuguese military.



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