
"Petroleum in Algarve"

"Petroleum in Algarve"We all know the problems that our planet’s environment faces. And we all know the advantages of sustainable energies. However, what few people know is that since 2002 the Portuguese administration decided to open several public tenders for the prospection, exploration and production of oil in some regions of the country.

As an answer to this decision, we are a group of Portuguese citizens, working on cinema and advertising, that wants through a three minute film to inform all who ignore what as been done and worst what will be made, in the matter of prospection, exploration and production of oil in Portugal, which will have its biggest focus in the Algarve region and ending with a message to the global population.

The film have a simple, but enlightening, visual component, designed mostly in 2D animation. The voice over act as the narrative line of the movie, guiding the viewers trough the images, in an informative way, but with personality.

We want to see this film as a viral content. We want to inform the population. We want to alert for the dangers of this processes. We want to act, while we can.

All the elements in this film have permission to be published.

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