
Veggie Boxes - Hortas do Vale

Veggies Boxes - Hortas do ValeBiodynamic Farming in CSA model - The Hortas do Vale is a project of fresh and processed vegetable production and distribution inspired on CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

This year a small part of Vale da Lama farm will be transformed into a vegetable garden. Mattia, the gardener, has been working on this spot since March and we can already see the change. The production is partially located to the Ecoresort and Summer camps, but also we are creating a group of people that supports a local farm in a half or long term compromise. This accord guarantees quick access to fresh, local and seasonal products from a reliable farmer, creating a deeper connection with the land. In fact, the farmer would be always available for reconsidering members’ needs and happy to show the field together with the farming techniques whenever required.

Mattia is a young Italian that previously studied and worked with Biodynamic Agriculture. He carries as a principle the aim of producing food for our body, soul and spirit while regenerating the soil. As Plato taught, at any visible phenomena happening in the field is linked an “idea” in the cosmos. A conscious farmer can become the bridge in between “ideas” and reality using special techniques which are nowadays in constant evolution but initially launched by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner in 1924.

During this summer 2016, we are going to distribute veg boxes weekly in two different spots. The boxes will be shaped by the farmer including everything offered by the field at that particular time of the year. Reason why a little variation in product diversification and quantity can occur throughout the year.

We’ll start with a pilot group of members: the first 25 families showing interest in this survey will help us to get to know better what are your needs and suggestions.


Until the end of 2016 we’ll be trying out this model:

Small box (about) 4kg –10€
Medium box (about) 7kg - 15€
Big box (about) 9kg - 20€

*processed food will be offered weekly depending on availability. You can then choose and everything will be sent together with the vegetables. Price to be adjusted then.

A part from this, if you want the same kind of box at the same spot for a longer period, you can choose a three-months plan:

Three-months plan Small box - 115€
Three-months plan Medium box - 175€
Three-months plan Big box - 230€


Tuesday from 16.30 to 20.30 Almádena
Thursday from 10.00 to 17.00 Vale da Lama

For more information please contact us by email hortasdovale@valedalama.net.

W: http://www.valedalama.net/

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