Investing With Borrowed Money: Does It Make Sense?

INVESTING WITH BORROWED MONEY: DOES IT MAKE SENSE?We have all found ourselves in situations where we either are short on money or want to invest but don’t have the adequate funds to do so. Does that mean you have to sit there and miss out on a potential huge stream of income? While you might think the answer to that is yes, you can look into borrowing money that you can then use to invest. It might be a little risky, but the potential is limitless. Does it make sense to borrow money? 

Here are some of the reasons you might want to consider it or avoid it.

You Can Quickly Grow your Money

Whenever you are working with borrowed money, you should make sure that the decision you are making is fairly safe. Sure the investment might not have the largest pay-out, but the risk of losing it or losing money is much lower. What are some types of investments that you should look to target? The experts at recommend things such as fixed-income investments or mutual funds. How quickly you grow the money is up to how much you want to borrow and invest as well. The more you put into the investment, obviously the more you are going to make, but also the larger the risk is. If you are looking to make some money and don’t have much to work with, investing with borrowed money can give you that opening push you need to be successful.

There Are Inherent Risks 

Investing with borrowed money carries far greater risks than investing with your own money. There are several things that you have to consider when taking out a loan for investing. First, what is the interest rate that you are going to be paying for the loan? You don’t want to put yourself in a position where even if you make a lot of money, the interest you are paying takes it all away. Secondly, how quickly do you have to repay the loan? Unless you are investing in short-term volatile stocks, you will want to let the money sit in there for an extended period of time. If you are forced to pay it back before you would like, you are either going to lose money or miss out on a lot of potential income. Finally, the stock itself might be a risk to invest in and you might lose money on it. These are all things that you have to consider when deciding if you want to invest with borrowed money.

It Can Allow You To Invest In Larger Stocks

One of the general trends that are seen in the stock market is that the more expensive a stock is, the safer it generally is as well. There will always be exemptions to this rule, but the more money you have to put in for one stock, the greater the return will be. You might be interested in investing in one of these stocks and putting a lot of money into it but might not have the money to purchase even one. Taking out investment in these stocks can put you in a situation to succeed. In situations like this, investing with borrowed money can make a lot of sense, especially if you are watching the market and following the current trends.

Lower Taxes On Returns

One of the biggest reasons why you would want to consider investing with borrowed money is because of how tax rates work. Generally, whenever you make money on an investment or stock, a certain percent of it is subject to tax. This means that the large return you had could essentially be cut in half or even more. When dealing with borrowed money, however, you will only be subject to 50% of your income is taxed. When does this become a good idea?

INVESTING WITH BORROWED MONEY: DOES IT MAKE SENSE?If the amount of interest and tax you would pay for a borrowed investment is lower than the tax you would pay on your investment, it is considered a wise decision to invest with borrowed money. Even if you have your own money to invest in, situations like this make more sense from a financial standpoint. If you want to keep your tax rate down, investing with borrowed money is a great idea.

It Gives you Financial Flexibility

You might find yourself in a situation where there are a ton of different stocks or funds that you would like to invest in. In some of these situations, you are required to invest a minimum amount of money. This is where borrowing money to invest makes a lot of sense. You can take out a loan and invest in some of these accounts, while still giving you the financial freedom to live your own life. Investing with this type of money will allow you to make smart investments, but still be able to purchase whatever you would want in person as well.

Investment Losses Aren’t As Rough

Whenever you lose money on an investment, you can claim it as a loss and have your income taxes reduced depending on the amount of money. When you deal with invested money, you are given an extra layer of protection that can help with your taxes. Therefore, if the absolute worst happens and the investment disappears, you will end up not losing as much money as if you were to work with your own money. Keep in mind though that you will have to pay the money back and any interest that you have incurred. Using borrowed money to help with your investments is a great way to help cut your losses if things do take a turn for the worst.

Investing with borrowed money can make a lot of sense if you find yourself in the right situation. Just like with any type of investment, there will always be some risks. Make sure that you are in a position where you can not only pay the loan back but also pay off any of the interest that you have incurred during the time period. At the end of the day, you always want to be investing large amounts of borrowed money so you can easily pay the interest back. What things are you looking to invest in?