
Currency Market Update - September 2nd 2021

CURRENCY MARKET UPDATEThe last few days have been extremely volatile for The U.S Dollar as we move into The Jackson Hole Summit with all eyes on what The Fed Reserve will mention regarding possible Rate Hikes and any Quantitive Easing measures moving forward.

Balancing the Chancellor’s books… could your pensions be affected?

BALANCING THE CHANCELLOR’S BOOKS… COULD YOUR PENSIONS BE AFFECTED?The UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak, like his counterparts in Europe, has a difficult balancing act to find ways of raising revenue while keeping public support strong for the government. And pensions and property are being brought into sharp focus in the media when it comes to the options he has available.

What can I buy with cryptocurrency?

WHAT CAN I BUY WITH CRYPTOCURRENCY?In the 21st century, the way in which buying and selling goods are taking place has changed drastically. From the years old barter system to coins and now credit cards the economical system of buying things in exchange of currency has changed enormously. Cryptocurrency is the new medium of purchase and it was supposed to happen with the advent of technology.

Currency Market Update - August 26th 2021

CURRENCY MARKET UPDATEThe last few days have been extremely volatile for The U.S Dollar as we move into The Jackson Hole Summit with all eyes on what The Fed Reserve will mention regarding possible Rate Hikes and any Quantitive Easing measures moving forward.

Currency Market Update - August 24th 2021

CURRENCY MARKET UPDATE - AUGUST 9TH 2021Sterling edged lower against the dollar this morning, but held most gains made against the greenback on the back of a risk rebound at the start of the week that saw the British currency bounce nearly 1%.

Currency Market Update - August 9th 2021

CURRENCY MARKET UPDATE - AUGUST 9TH 2021The pound slipped slightly in early trading against the US Dollar but was still close to its strongest versus the euro since February 2020, as investors focused on the possible pace of monetary policy tightening after the Bank of England meeting last week.

Pound climbs on economic and coronavirus optimism

Currencies DirectStaying on top of the latest currency news can help you time your transfers more effectively, so find out what you should be looking out for over the next couple of weeks…

Financial Support With No Proof of Income

FINANCIAL SUPPORT WITH NO PROOF OF INCOMEHow to Get Funding if You Work Informally: Benefits and Risks. A stable salary is far from the only advantage of official employment. Social security, monthly contributions to the pension fund, in some companies — health insurance for an employee and even his family members. Having a constant income, you can plan your life and be confident in implementing plans — a mortgage and large loans for business development are available to you.