BES accounts have been dodgy since 2008

besAn accountant within the BES Group claimed today that the company's accounts have been dodgy since 2008.

Francisco Machado da Cruz intimated that the former top man at BES, Ricardo Salgado, was responsible for la grande fudge regarding the €1.3 billion in liabilities recently unearthed at Espirito Santo International.

Switzerland pledges to end Banking Secrecy

Switzerland Pledges To End Banking SecrecySwitzerland’s centuries’ old tradition of banking secrecy is coming to an end. It has pledged to collect tax related information from its financial institutions and automatically share the data with other governments each year.

Switzerland is the world’s biggest offshore centre, with $2 trillion in assets. Its prized banking secrecy has been slowly eroded under international pressure to increase tax transparency, particularly since the global financial crisis had governments looking for ways to increase tax revenue.

Inflation, are you being short changed?

InflationMany savers are burying their heads in the sand as they are confused by what’s happening within the financial market and global economy.  Inflation rates are high, bank interest rates are low, government bonds no longer seem safe and the stock market is too volatile, so what should you do with your money?

No taxes on your pensions for 10 years?

No taxes on your pensions for 10 years?The Portuguese Non Habitual Resident regime (NHR) has been attracting both pensioners and high level professionals who are benefiting from reduced taxes.

Under this scheme professionals are paying a flat rate of 20% on their salary or self-employed income received in Portugal whilst pensioners are enjoying their tax exemptions!

A resilient asset against equity markets

Student AccommodationOne asset class has demonstrated its resilience during this recent economic turbulence. Student accommodation stands alone as an asset against equity markets. It has remained a robust investment and emerged as sector of the property market in its own right. A growing number of investors are attracted to the strong fundamentals which provide a secure income stream.

UK Pensions – All Change

UK Pensions – All ChangeThe UK government took everyone by surprise in March by announcing a series of radical changes to pensions. The measures are the most significant pension reform since 1921, and give retirees much more freedom over their pension pot.

For most people, their pension funds are a very significant part of their wealth. Retirement planning is an essential component of your new life here in Portugal. 

The UK Tax Residence Test

The UK Tax Residence TestThe UK’s Statutory Residence Test is now a year old. It was a welcome development after the old system, and provides much more certainty. However for more complicated cases it can still be rather complex and it is important to understand the detail of the test.

Understanding pension jargon!

QROPSThe hottest topic over the past few years in QROPS, what does this mean I hear you ask? On 6th April 2006 it was announced by Her Majesty Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that people with UK based pension schemes could move their pensions offshore to a Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Scheme.