
Keeping Up With Gardening Trends

KEEPING UP WITH GARDENING TRENDSWhether it is fashion or phones we like to stay up with the latest trends and in the world of gardening it is no different!

Consumer led Gardening Trends are evident in current design style, landscaping materials, plant choices, colour palettes and technology. As we grow ever more eco- conscious and connected to our smart phones we also become more concerned with our health and well being. This has not been missed within the garden industry and by combining these factors together the trend is becoming known as “Synching with Nature”.
We cannot ignore the myriad of ways in which techonology can be incorporated into our gardens too, to help us explore, educate and entertain with nature.

Smartphone connectivity is already available, but it will become commonplace in the future to control alarms, lighting, irrigation, and amongst other roles lawn maintenance.

Within the Algarve we already trend towards the hardier creative form of design and landscaping known as Xeriscaping.

With its ever broadening appeal for conserving water and use of native planting to instill beauty we have certainly seen it become more popular than ever.
The increase in demand for drought tolerant planting and hardwearing lawns of Empire Zoysia grass, synthetic lawns, drip irrigation and ornamental stones combined with environmental thinking and urban technology has seen the design of our gardens becoming far more low maintenance, but at the same time still maintaining a Mediterranean or Contemporary ambience.

Our clients and homeowners within the Algarve use their gardens and outdoor living areas, not only to entertain but to disconnect from busy lifestyles and to enhance their well being. Multisensory accessories, focal points and  experiences are important features within gardens. Garden and pool lighting, outdoor speakers and water features have progressed. Consumers no longer just want pool lighting, they want a programmable magical underwater theatre with music.  Water features and water walls now have sound and LED lights too, creating shimmering, moving waterfalls. To encourage the next generation outside their swings also have LED lighting, turning them into night time light shows!
Merging technology and nature it seems will only helps us to expand and stimulate our senses whilst bringing the entertainment factor too!

As already mentioned above, design and planting trends in Central Algarve will continue to be influenced by the need to conserve water and “design for drought”. Annuals are being replaced by native planting, and ornamental grasses being the toughest of plants will offer year round multi seasonal interest with their Billowy Grass Plumes. Palms and variegated phormiums will be used to set the scene and convey an almost subtropical feel.

KEEPING UP WITH GARDENING TRENDSFunctional Edible Gardens are very popular, really becoming the cornerstone of edible landscaping over the passed few years, as consumers no longer want to hide their vegetable gardens away. Instead they want to create a “Foodcentric Masterpiece”, combining vegetables, ornamentals and fruit trees in an array of colours and textures all in the one bed!
Arquiscape can guide you through the wisest pairings of these vegetables and pollen, nectar rich flowers, as there can be no doubt that growing them side by side makes for a bountiful and beautiful pollinated crop, conveying an almost subtropical feel. with the bonus of natural pest control! 

The consumers desire for all year long interest within their gardens is on the increase, especially in the Algarve, where we can still enjoy our gardens during the Winter.
Predictions for this years borders are not just the bright colours but for new heights, structure, texture with spiky whimsical flowers making an impact. This vertical interest is also being capitalised upon by transforming outdoor walls and pergolas into eye catching spaces with “Vertical Living Walls”. With their own drip irrigation systems they are easily maintained and also ideal for succulents and edible planting too!
Colours are set to be a contrast of Hyper- vivid neon shades contrasted with soft, heirloom hues or a straightforward Bi-Colour petal. But, don’t forget the Fragrance, for those twilight hours choose a Star Jasmine “trachelospermum rhyncospermum” or Arabian Jasmine “jasminum sambac”.

If you are lucky enough to be designing or re-landscaping, our preferred trend choice for 2022 here in the Algarve would be the Urban Garden, “ where green life get´s it´s silver lining from edibles, terracotta, zinc and limestone hues”.
Use these as a guide for design and material choices, plants and textures within your outdoor living areas – from decking to aggregates, cushions to coverings.

Last but not least Arquiscape cannot forget the biggest current trend for “Dogscaping”. As we invest, not just financially but emotionally too, in our pets, toxin free spaces for “mans’ best friend” to run and play in are more important than
ever. Arquiscape can advise on which plants to avoid, and we are experienced in creating a safe and welcoming environment for your dog to play in, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Arquiscape

Arquiscape was established in 1994 by Samuel Padfield, founder and multi disciplinary landscape designer. With his team of expert gardeners, Samuel has been designing, building, and maintaining gardens throughout the Algarve, for architects, management agencies, private individuals, developments and hotels for 20 years.

In 2008 he was joined by his sister Della, who administrates the workload and generally making sure that everyone is where they should be at any given time. She is also the Centre-Point for Clients and all their queries! Arquiscape have built a solid reputation for bespoke personal landscaping, providing landscaping excellence and adding value to properties. They offer an efficient and organised service from the initial Design Stage (new or remodelling) into Construction and finally at the Handover of their Client’s Dream Garden.
In addition their Monthly Garden and Pool Maintenance Service, Arquiscape offer tailored “One-Off and Seasonal Garden Packages”. Or for gardeners whom wish to maintain their own gardens, but need a little help or advice you can take advantage of their Garden Consultancy Service. Samuel will visit your garden and afterwards provide a full report with a step by step guide to solving any problems!
To compliment Arquiscape’s Garden and Pool Maintenance Service a “Monthly Report” is provided including diagnostics, photos and seasonal recommendations. Clients look forward to these updates and the peace of mind they bring.

If you would like to know more about Arquiscape’s Landscape Design or Maintenance Services, or would like a visit from Samuel, call 962 409 549 or send an email to samuel.padfield@arquiscape.com.

 W: https://arquiscape.com/

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