When to Call the Pros: Signs Your Trees Need Professional Care

When to Call the Pros: Signs Your Trees Need Professional CareTrees are magnificent assets to our landscapes, providing shade, beauty, and environmental benefits. However, just like any living organism, they require proper care to thrive. While some tree maintenance tasks can be tackled by homeowners, certain signs indicate that it’s time to call in the professionals.

Whether it’s a towering oak or a delicate flowering cherry, recognizing when your trees are in distress is crucial for their health and longevity.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the telltale signs that your trees need professional attention. From unusual leaf drop to ominous cracks in the bark, understanding these indicators will help you ensure your trees receive the expert care they deserve. Let's get started. 

Dead Branches

Dead branches are a clear sign that your tree may be in trouble. These branches not only detract from the tree's aesthetic appeal but also pose significant safety risks. They can fall unexpectedly, potentially causing damage to property or injury to people nearby. If you notice any dead or dying branches, it’s essential to address the issue promptly. 

A certified arborist can assess the tree's health and determine whether pruning or removal is necessary to preserve the overall integrity of the tree. For instance, if you need tree service out of Burlington, WI, you can consult local experts who specialize in tree care and maintenance. They will provide you with a comprehensive evaluation of your tree's condition and recommend the best course of action. Regular inspections and timely interventions can not only prevent potential hazards but also promote the healthy growth of your trees.

Discolored Leaves

Discolored leaves are often one of the first signs that a tree is experiencing health issues. Yellowing leaves can indicate nutrient deficiencies, overwatering, or root problems, while browning or blackening leaves might signal disease or pest infestations. Spotting these changes early is crucial for effective intervention. If only some leaves are affected, it could be a localized issue; however, widespread discoloration may suggest a more serious problem. 

Consulting a professional arborist can help identify the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatments. By addressing discolored leaves promptly, you can enhance your tree's health and longevity, ensuring it continues to thrive in your landscape.

Cracked or Damaged Bark

Cracked or damaged bark is a significant warning sign that your tree may be in distress. The bark serves as a protective barrier against pests and environmental stresses, and any damage can expose the tree to diseases and insects. Cracks may form due to fluctuations in temperature, excessive moisture, or physical injuries. 

It's essential to monitor these changes closely, as they can compromise the tree's overall health. If you notice deep fissures, peeling sections, or wounds on the bark, it’s time to seek professional assistance. An arborist can assess the damage and recommend necessary treatments to help your tree recover and thrive.

Pest Infestation

Pest infestations can wreak havoc on the health of your trees, making it crucial to identify and address them promptly. Signs of infestation include visible holes in leaves or bark, sticky residue on surfaces (honeydew), and discolored or wilting foliage. Common pests, such as aphids, borers, and caterpillars, can weaken trees by feeding on their sap or creating wounds that invite diseases. 

Ignoring these signs can lead to severe damage or even death of the trees. If you suspect a pest problem, contacting a professional arborist is essential. They can accurately diagnose the issue and recommend targeted treatments to protect your trees from further harm.

Unusual Growth PatternsWhen to Call the Pros: Signs Your Trees Need Professional Care

Unusual growth patterns, such as leaning trunks or uneven canopy development, can indicate that a tree is struggling with structural or health issues. A tree that suddenly starts to lean may have compromised roots, making it unstable and potentially hazardous. Similarly, uneven or stunted growth can signal underlying problems like poor soil conditions, disease, or pest infestations. 

While some growth abnormalities may seem minor, they can lead to more significant problems over time if left unchecked. Professional arborists can assess the cause of the irregular growth and determine whether corrective measures, like pruning or bracing, are needed to restore the tree’s health and balance.

Fungal Growth

Fungal growth on or around a tree is often a sign of decay or disease. Mushrooms, conks, or other fungal formations at the base of the trunk or along the roots typically indicate that the tree’s internal structure is compromised. Fungi thrive on rotting wood, so their presence may suggest that parts of the tree are dying or already dead. 

While some fungal growth is harmless, others can weaken a tree's stability, making it prone to falling. If you notice any unusual fungi or growths, it’s essential to call a professional arborist. They can assess the severity of the problem and determine if the tree can be saved or requires removal.

Excessive Leaf Drop

Excessive leaf drop, especially outside of the tree's normal shedding season, is a red flag that something may be wrong. Trees may lose leaves prematurely due to stress factors such as drought, overwatering, pests, or disease. If the leaf drop is sudden or widespread, it could be a sign of more serious underlying issues, like root damage or nutrient deficiencies. 

Catching these signs early can help prevent further damage. If your tree is shedding more leaves than usual, it’s best to consult a professional arborist. They can diagnose the cause and recommend the right treatments to restore your tree’s health and prevent further leaf loss.

Root Exposure

Exposed roots are a sign that a tree may be at risk. Roots should remain underground to provide stability and absorb nutrients efficiently. When roots become visible above the soil, it can indicate erosion, poor soil health, or shallow root systems, which can weaken the tree's foundation. Exposed roots are also vulnerable to damage from foot traffic, lawn equipment, and extreme weather conditions. 

If left unaddressed, this could lead to instability, making the tree more likely to fall. A professional arborist can assess the situation and provide solutions such as improving soil conditions or offering support systems to protect the roots and restore the tree’s health.

Caring for your trees is essential for maintaining the beauty, safety, and health of your landscape. Recognizing the warning signs—such as dead branches, discolored leaves, fungal growth, or exposed roots—can help you take timely action before minor issues become major problems. While some tree care tasks can be handled by homeowners, others require the expertise of a professional arborist. Regular assessments and prompt intervention can save your trees and protect your property from potential hazards. If you notice any of the signs mentioned, don't hesitate to call the pros and ensure your trees remain strong and thriving for years to come.