‘AFPOP Presents …’ Prostate Awareness

‘AFPOP PRESENTS …’ PROSTATE AWARENESSafpop, Portugal’s largest Foreign Residents’ Association, hosted the second of its Prostate Awareness presentations at the HPA Gambelas facility last week, with 60 people attending to hear the presentation by the Portuguese urologist, Professor Tiago Rodrigues. The presentation included a free PSA test for those who wanted to check their PSA score.

A part of afpop’s 2024 programme of presentations on health-related issues, the meeting followed the first presentation during afpop’s ‘MOvember’ campaign in 2023 and there will be a third presentation in Lisbon and the Hospital Cruz Vermelha on 13th of March.

afpop CEO Michael Reeve hailed the two events a success, saying that he was very pleasantly surprised by the number of men who wanted to attend and discuss the issue of prostate health, a notoriously difficult conversation to get started historically. “It was refreshing and rewarding to hear people openly discussing the issue and, in some cases, recounting their own history” he explained.

The subject of prostate health and the difference between cancer and BPH, what the tests are and what treatments are available were presented by Professor Rodrigues and a very lively question and answer session completed the event.

Michael Reeve explains “When we held the first presentation in November I was very pleasantly surprised at the number of people who wanted to take part and it was clear that we needed to do at least two more presentations on the subject. We have agreed on a number of health related presentations throughout 2024, the next of which will be in April (9th and 16th) in Lagos and Tavira on the subject of dementia, with the title, “Spotting the signs .. Dispelling the Myths” in conjunction with the Alzheimer’s Association.”

The presentations adpopare free to afpop Members, with a small €10 charge for non-members. For more information or to reserve a space on the events in April, please contact Marisa Neves on apoio@afpop.com  

afpop is a non profit Association of Members and is accredited as a ‘Utilidade Pública’ organisation in Portugal since 2010. For more information about the Association and the Benefits of Membership, please visit their website www.afpop.com or contact them by e-mail on info@afpop.com or by telephone on 282 458 509