
State of the Art Personal Safety for Portugal

SAS - Sentinel Alert ServicesAccidents can happen to anyone at anytime. In this modern and ever changing world, technology, training and procedures help to make it a safer place. Sentinel Alert Services (SAS) realise this and we make it our priority to stay ahead of the field. Personal Emergency Response Systems or PERS are fast becoming a cheap and effective way to ensure real peace of mind and ultimate assistance when you need it most.

There is a significant advantage in having a small device to hand that only needs a press of a button to immediately show your present location, all your details and open up a voice call to a bilingual response operator. Today it costs less than 70 cents a day for 24 hour assistance and at SAS, our device is so compact it can clip on to a key ring or be attached to your belt and worn discreetly. Our service is relevant to everyone – families, the elderly or infirm, those living alone, sport and activity enthusiasts or anyone at high risk.

SAS - Sentinel Alert ServicesThere are a few companies at the moment that offer a PERS product and service and no doubt more will follow. Choosing one should be a process that leaves you happy in the knowledge that your personal safety is in good hands.

How do Sentinel Alert Services make a difference?

Certification, Training and Procedure.

Each team of operators must be certified in:

CONTROL ROOM ACTIVITIES: Logging Calls, Keeping Records, Maintaining a Log Book, Giving Support Advice, Dealing with the Authorities, Suspect Identification, Dealing with Single/Multiple Incidents, Audit Trails, Data Protection Act, Conflict Management, Emergency Prioritisation. This training is provided by a member of the British Security Industry Association and the UK Register of Learning Providers and is recognized throughout Europe.

EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRAINING: 1st Aid and Emergency call 112, CPR and Chain of Survival, how to approach and analyze a victims condition, Basic Life Support, Obstruction of the Airways, Sudden death Syndrome, Trauma and Injuries.

As well as the above certification and training, all teams conduct in house drills every week for many criminal, fire and medical incidents so they are familiar with procedure and ready to take control of any situation and deal with it quickly and efficiently.
We believe this is a ‘must’ to ensure a satisfactory service and sets us apart.

SAS is also certified by Safe Communities Algarve and on the Safe Service Providers list.

For more details or for permanent peace of mind for you or a loved one please go to: www.sentinelalertservices.com

Sentinel Alert Services Ltd
T: 289 597 102 / 289 541 952
E: info@sentinelalertservices.com
W: www.sentinelalertservices.com

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