Rising Importance of KYC and AML Laws Adherence - What Can You Do?

RISING IMPORTANCE OF KYC AND AML LAWS ADHERENCE - WHAT CAN YOU DO?KYC and AML are two of the most important laws in today’s digital age. Know Your Customer (KYC) is a process used by financial institutions to verify the identity of their customers, and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) refers to efforts taken by these same institutions to prevent illicit transactions. 

These two regulations are crucial for preventing fraud and money laundering, which can get used for terrorist financing or other illegal purposes. However, these laws have been subject to abuse as well as inadequate implementation around the world — especially in emerging markets.

The World Bank estimates that 2% of all global GDP ($873 billion) is laundered annually through various channels such as real estate purchases or luxury goods purchases such as yachts or cars costing more than $100k. This figure may seem small compared with other forms of corruption. However, it has serious consequences on economies worldwide due to its widespread nature across industries ranging from healthcare through agriculture & manufacturing sectors up to banking & finance where large sums are involved!

The Threats

KYC and AML laws get used to combat money laundering and terrorism financing. These laws are a global initiative, and they’re not just for banks or exchanges. KYC/AML regulations can apply to any business that deals with financial transactions in some way. You can get help with such services at Au10tix, which specializes in ensuring adherence to these laws. 

So if you’re providing goods or services via the internet. It’s an online marketplace like Amazon or eBay, a freelance marketplace like Upwork or Fiverr, or even just a website where people can buy virtual goods. You may be required by law to collect information from your customers about their identity and where they reside.


Know Your Customer (KYC) is a process to verify the identity of a customer. KYC is an important part of AML and it is also known as Customer Due Diligence (CDD).

KYC helps you to identify and confirm the identity of your customers. This can happen by manually collecting information or using electronic systems developed for this purpose. If a customer fails to provide their details, they may not be able to access your services or be able to use them fully. 

Hence, you must have proper processes in place so that you can collect accurate information about your customers for them to make use of your products or services without any issues.


AML or anti-money laundering is the process of identifying and verifying the identity of customers and monitoring their transactions to prevent money laundering. It is a set of rules and regulations that get designed to prevent financial crimes such as money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, etc.

Talk to the experts at Fortifid about anti-money laundering (AML) screening and financial crimes risk solutions.

The Solutions

Here are some steps you can take to ensure your compliance with KYC and AML Laws:

  • Implementing a robust Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policy in your business. This will help you identify the parties involved in an exchange, while also ensuring that they are legitimate and not associated with any illegal activities. You may also want to consider hiring an external agency to ensure that the process is carried out smoothly and efficiently.
  • Hiring a third-party company for assistance with compliance issues if necessary.

Implementation in Your Business

As you start to think about implementing the above steps, it’s important to remember that the issue of KYC and AML laws adherence isn't just a compliance problem. It has a tangible impact on your business.  

The first thing is to define the problem before starting on a solution. What's causing your company trouble right now? Customers not paying their bills? Are employees stealing money from you? A lack of trust among employees and customers alike because they don't feel like they're getting treated fairly?

Once you've defined what's wrong, set goals for yourself, and then make sure those goals are realistic! You're not going to turn around all of your company's financial issues overnight (we wish), so give yourself some time frames for improvement within which there will be real progress in terms of improving trust with customers or partners.

Hiring an External Agency

There are several reasons why you should consider hiring an external agency to help you comply with KYC and AML regulations. The first and most important is that it's simply not feasible for a financial institution to do everything on its own.

A large institution may have hundreds of thousands or even millions of customers, making it impossible for them to manually review the information each customer provides them when they open an account. This can lead to delays in opening accounts, mistakes being made during the onboarding process, and ultimately financial institutions losing revenue from customers who don't want to wait weeks before receiving access to their money.

Another reason why hiring an external agency makes sense is that most banks have limited resources when it comes to compliance matters. They'll be able to handle basic compliance issues such as establishing policies related to relevant laws. However it won't always have the time required for more complex projects like creating a comprehensive risk assessment system designed specifically for your bank's needs or implementing new procedures necessary due to changes in legislation (e.g., switching from paper check payments to electronic ones).

Combat the Ever-Increasing Financial Crimes 

KYC refers to the process of verifying the identity of a customer. KYC is an important part of AML and is a legal requirement in many countries. KYC also helps companies avoid fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes.

KYC can happen in various ways:

  • By performing checks on all accounts opened by customers at one go (batch verification) or over time (periodic verification).
  • By performing checks on all transactions performed with one account at one go or over time.


No matter what your business is, you will have to comply with these existing AML and KYC laws. So, it’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to this. As a business owner, you may also want to experiment with various technologies available for data collection to make the process easier for yourself as well as your customers. 

And if you are still throwing around the idea of setting up an online store or a platform, then be prepared and find those technologies that would make all the difference for your business.