6 Tricks Insurance Adjusters Use to Downplay Your Case

6 TRICKS INSURANCE ADJUSTERS USE TO DOWNPLAY YOUR CASEAfter an accident, the injured person has a lot to deal with. The victim is also eligible to claim compensation for the injuries and damages. But getting a fair settlement from the at-fault party’s insurance company is a challenging process.  Because the aim of insurance companies is to make money. It is necessary to be aware of the legal process.

To learn more about the legal options, you can visit sites like www.dolmanlaw.com. Before getting legal assistance, you should know the tactics an insurance adjuster uses to downplay your case and decrease the value of your claim. In this blog post, we are going to share the six tricks that insurance adjusters use and how you can avoid them.

  • Use Delay Tactics
  • Giving You a Quick Settlement
  • Requesting a Recorded Statement
  • Trying to Convince You Not to Get Legal Assistance
  • Downplaying the Extent of Your Injuries
  • Order Surveillance

Use Delay Tactics

Delaying the processing of your claim is one of the most common tactics used by insurance adjusters. They will ask you for unnecessary paperwork, lose your documents, or make you wait for weeks or months before responding to your inquiries.

The main motive of this insurance adjuster tactic is to frustrate you and make you desperate for a lower settlement, even if it is much lower than what you deserve.

To avoid this trick, you must keep a record of all your communications with the insurance company, follow up regularly, and consult a personal injury attorney who can help you expedite your claim.

Giving You a Quick Settlement Giving You a Quick Settlement 

After the accident, the insurance adjuster will call you and offer a quick settlement. They will pressure you into accepting their offer before you have a chance to fully assess your injuries, consult a doctor, or talk to an attorney.

The main goal of this insurance adjuster tactic is to take advantage of your vulnerability and prevent you from discovering the true extent of your losses.

Without first getting a medical evaluation and legal advice, you should never accept the settlement offer. Keep in mind that you must know that once you agree to a settlement, you cannot reopen your claim or ask for more compensation later. 

Requesting a Recorded Statement

Insurance adjusters will ask you to give a recorded statement about the accident and your injuries. They will claim that this is a normal procedure and that it will help them process your claim quickly.

Remember, the tactic is to get you to say something that can be used against you later. It is important that you decline to give any recorded statement without your attorney’s presence. Keep in mind that you have no obligation to do so, and anything you say can be taken out or twisted out of context.

Trying to Convince You Not to Get Legal Assistance

Insurance adjusters will try to discourage you from hiring a personal injury attorney. They will tell you that an attorney will charge exorbitant amounts as fees, that they will take a large portion of your settlement, or that they will only complicate your case.

The insurance adjuster will try to prevent you from getting the legal representation and protection you need. You should never listen to the opinions of an insurance adjuster and get legal assistance as soon as possible.

A personal injury attorney will help you protect your rights, negotiate with the insurance company, and maximize your compensation.

Downplaying the Extent of Your Injuries

Insurance adjusters will also try to downplay the severity of your injuries and the impact they have on your life. They will argue that your injuries are not as serious as you claim, that they were pre-existing or caused by something else, or that they do not require extensive medical treatment.

They will use this tactic to decrease the value of your claim and justify a low offer. That’s why you should document your injuries and treatment with medical records, bills, photos, and receipts.

Ordering Surveillance

Insurance adjusters may also monitor your activities and movements on social media. They will hire private investigators to follow you, take photos or videos of you, or interview your friends, family, or coworkers.

They will use this tactic to find evidence that contradicts your claim or shows that you are lying or exaggerating your injuries. It is important to be aware that you may be under surveillance and act accordingly.

You should follow your doctor’s advice. Avoid any activities that could worsen your injuries. Be consistent and honest about your condition.

Final Thoughts

Do not let the insurance adjusters trick you into settling for less than your actual claim value. It is necessary to consult an experienced attorney as soon as possible.