
Alojamento Local/Local Letting - urgent licence update from afpop

lettingsThe following has been received by afpop and is important information for those property owners who ALREADY are holders of an Alojamento Local licence, issued before the new legislation was introduced on 27th of November 2014.

Those in this category are obliged to present a document from Finanças to their local Câmara Municipal  stating how they are fiscally conducting their renting business, whether it is by being registered as sole trader or through a company.

This document is called “Inicio de Actividade” and has to be presented at the local Câmara Municipal BEFORE 27th of December 2014.

Failure to present this document could lead to a fine.  In most Câmaras this can be presented by post or e-mail and ownrs must state their full name, fiscal number, the address of the property that has the AL licence and the AL licence number.

When submitting by post, copies of the original documents must be sent.

If the Inicio de Actividade is not presented before 27th December, the AL licence will not be considered complete and owners cannot continue legally to rent out the property.

If owners are out of Portugal they may need the help of an accountant, lawyer or a friend who can present the document on their behalf.

Proof of submission of an Inicio de Actividade can be requested from a local Finanças office, or a copy can be printed from the Finanças website, having logged in with fiscal number and password and following the steps:  

Os Seus Serviços /Obter /Comprovativos/ Actividade.

NOTE: If owners already have presented the Inicio de Actividade document with their initial application for the licence, then they will not need to do so again.


The above information kindly was sent for publication by afpop even though this sort of information usually is available only for the association’s members.

afpop members receive emailed updates and alerts on this and many other topics. Membership is not at all expensive and with discounts on insurance and from hundreds of local suppliers, the membership cost can be saved time and time again each year. 

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afpop - Associação de Proprietários Estrangeiros em Portugal
Apartado 728
8501-917 Portimão
Office Opening times:
Monday – Friday, 9:00-12:30 and 14:00-17:00

Telephone: 00 351 282 458 509
Fax: 00 351 282 458 277
Email: info@afpop.com


See also the article by Sovereign on this topic dated 3 October 2104:


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