Go seaside sightseeing with Enjoy the Algarve’s July issue

Go seaside sightseeing with Enjoy the Algarve’s July issueRead the July 2018 issue of Enjoy the Algarve, ‘Seaside sightseeing’.
In it: marine biologist André Dias about ocean conservation (“If you get to see a dolphin in the wild, you care about preserving its habitat”), a feature about why life is better at the seaside and fascinating facts about sea salt. We try out parasailing and bring you six other wicked ways to get wet in the Algarve.

Our columnist Arthur van Amerongen visits Cabo de São Vicente: “My guests go there for Bratwurst, but I prefer eating percebes on the Cape. Picking these heavenly goose barnacles from the rocks is a life-threatening job, especially with the fierce gusts of wind that continually plague Europe’s rectum.” Expat Lauren Roberta Venters explains why moving to the central Algarve has been great for her business and photographer Gabriel Ludwick talks about wave photography.

Plus: three things to try this month, five sea creatures you shouldn’t touch, eight things to do in the area of Vila do Bispo, and three ways to catch your own seafood in the south of Portugal.

Happy reading!

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