
Christians in the time of a Pandemic!

Christians in the time of a Pandemic!We are all getting used to hearing, reading and using terms such as 'Unprecedented', the  'New Normal', 'Hot Spot', the 'R Rate'.The current pandemic has changed our perceptions our behaviour and our world.
But crises like this Pandemic are not a new phenomenon. They have occurred at many points in our history.

Think of the Spanish Flu in 1918 which killed over 50 million people worldwide or the Great Plague of 1665 or the devasting fires in Australia only last year.

What response should we have to these Catastrophes as Christians of the 21st Century?

How can we adopt a distinctly Christian response as opposed to acting according to our natural instincts?

Where can we look for practical advice and not cultural responses?

These are just a few of the questions explored by a 2-part sermon series called “The World in the time of Pandemic“ by All Saints Anglican Church in Almancil – starting this Sunday 20th September and concluding the following week Sunday 27th September 2020.

Rev’d Mike Clarkson, the Vicar of All Saints Almancil says there are many Biblical references in scripture which can answer our concerns. In the early church a believer in Christ focused on a vastly different set of values which can point our way to dealing with our current situation – over 2,000 later”

We invite you to come and hear what the Rev’d Mike has to say.

The service is, live, interactive and streamed into your own safe and comfortable living room via the ZOOM technology, 10.30am Sunday 20th and 27th September 2020.

The World in the time of Pandemic: What should Christians do?

Contact Secretary@allsaintsalgarve.org  for details on how to join Zoom.

About All Saints Anglican Church Algarve

We are an Anglican Church (part of the Worldwide Anglican Communion) providing contemporary and relevant worship with strong Biblical teaching. We are active in outreach, teaching and ministry to young people. Our responsibility is to the rapidly growing foreign expatriate community in the Algarve. Our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds and nationalities who wish to join us on our faith journey of following Jesus Christ.

 We welcome visitors who are encouraged to join us in Worship and in our social activities. In pre pandemic times we celebrated Holy Communion every Sunday morning at Almancil at 10:30 and Lagoa at 11:00.

For more information:  Secretary@allsaintsalgarve.org

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