
Strategic Games for Expats

STRATEGIC GAMES FOR EXPATSThe online gaming industry has seen exponential growth over the past decade, with major tech advances making gaming more accessible and diverse than ever. The social aspects of online gaming are huge nowadays, with players worldwide setting up communities in appreciation of their favourite games and socialising in virtual spaces such as Discord servers and Reddit forums.

This is great news for expats, especially if you want to stay connected with friends and loved ones across the globe or find a local community to engage with a little closer to your new home.

If you are new to digital gaming then it's worth familiarising yourself with the different gaming genres and experiences that you can play online. The advanced technology that’s been incorporated into the industry in recent years means it's possible to do everything from playing a premium-quality game on your smartphone to immersing yourself in vast virtual reality universes. 

There are tons of genres to choose from too, such as role playing games and first person shooters. However, one of the most widely appealing genres is the strategy games genre. More than just entertainment, these games can provide mental stimulation and whip your cognitive skills into shape too. 

Video Games 

The easiest way to get started with strategic games is to master the classic video games first. While the titles mentioned below are over a decade old, their appeal and challenge never fades. 

League of Legends

Although it's primarily known as a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, League of Legends has established itself as a quintessential strategic game too. It’s a game that requires knowledge building and tactical decision-making, such as how to coordinate with your team during matches. Players need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different champions (playable characters) and develop and execute team strategies in order to be successful.

Civilization VI

A hallmark game in the turn-based strategy genre, Civilization VI is a 4X game in which you'll need to build and expand an empire from the ground up. Gameplay takes place across centuries of human civilization and, throughout, you’ll need to make decisions about diplomacy, warfare, urban development and technology. Each decision you’ll make has long-term implications, so strategic planning and foresight are essential. 

Digital technology has also transformed the more conventional card gamesCard Games

Digital technology has also transformed the more conventional card games into modern-day online experiences. The likes of Hearthstone, Magic: The Gathering and, of course, good ol’ poker are some of the most accessible for new gamers. 


Hearthstone is a digital card game that involves building decks and using them to outsmart your opponents. The game emphasises multi-level strategic thinking; you’re not just selecting cards to play but also timing your plays and keeping an eye on resource management too. Then, there’s the extra challenge of needing to anticipate your opponents' moves and having a flexible enough strategy that it can adjust according to what’s thrown at you in the moment. 

Online Poker

What is there to say about poker that hasn’t already been said in its 200+ year history? Here in the digital age, online poker is a thriving vertical in the iGaming segment and it's played by millions of people across the globe who are drawn to its combination of skill, strategy and psychology. 

Yes, even in the online realm, the psychological aspects play a key role as you’ll still need to find ways to read your opponents’ behaviour when you’re not playing against them face to face. Playing the game online can actually go a long way in rewiring your strategic thinking, since you’ll have to make effective decisions about things like when to bet, fold, or bluff with limited information. Plus, if you decide to engage with any of the other games mentioned, online poker could give you an extra competitive edge.   

Magic: The Gathering Online

This digital adaptation of the classic card game is as enjoyable for complete beginners as it is for die hard Magic: The Gathering fans. The game faithfully reproduces the artwork of the paper cards and players compete against each other on a virtual tabletop, so it has an immersive element as well as a social one. Like Hearthstone, you’ll need a good grasp of strategic planning and prediction to thrive in the game. 


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