If you are a foreigner living and working in the Algarve, established in the region primarily for professional reasons, and are engaged in activities related to the arts, science or have a technical profession, read on!
“Talent - the competencies used by people in their professional activities - is seen as one of the crucial factors in regional socio-economic performance.”
You creative types are needed to increase the value of any area’s qualities combining factors such as openness, diversity, street culture and the environmental.
In the context of the Algarve, tourism is a relevant economic activity which helps create the region’s dynamics by providing infrastructure, services and brings change to the area's residents through the influence of tourists and immigrants.
A new research project is looking at possibilities for destinations such as the Algarve of gaining this ‘economic dynamism’ by attracting and retaining creative people to help develop the cultural and creative life of the region.
Your views are needed for the
“Creative class and tourism: policies, actors, interactions, and identities”
...research project which is co-financed by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) and developed in the context of DINÂMIA’CET – IUL, Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies.
If you are a foreigner living and working in the Algarve, established in the region primarily for professional reasons, and are engaged in activities related to the arts, science or have a technical profession, the project team would love to hear from you and include your views and experiences in their study.
Please contact Ana Rita Cruz
before the end of July 2015, to find out more and to be interviewed for your views and input to this exciting new research project.
Picture, copyright Jill Stott
also: http://www.algarvedailynews.com/features/art-culture/5901-algarve-artists-network