
British murderer appeals Portimão sentence

jackson1The regional Court in Évora has confirmed the sentenced passed in Portimão on Nigel Jackson, the Briton found guilty of murdering his partner Brenda Davidson and of concealing her body.

Jackson got 25 years in jail, the maximum allowed under Portuguese law, for the gruesome murder in 2014 of his partner in the house they shared in Alcalar, Portimão.

Jackson’s lawyer now is to appeal this confirmation ruling and the case will go to the Supreme Court in Lisbon for review.

Brenda Davidson, an English retiree, was missing from November 2014 until her remains were discovered under a patio path extension.

Nigel Jackson, a British former taxi driver, said to neighbours that his partner had gone to England, said to her son that his mother had run off with the surgeon who had operated on Davidson who has suffered from cancer.

Jackson finally was arrested by the Judicial Police on suspicion of killing his partner with blows to the head in the couple's living room after her body was discovered in the shallow grave.

The Briton denied murdering Davidson and claimed he had come home and found her dead, burying her in the garden to comply with an alleged wish that she be "buried with the dogs in the backyard."

Jackson told police officers where the body was buried and police described that Brenda Davidson’s remains had been wrapped in plastic and blankets and then buried under some paving.

Jackson was accused of first degree murder, the desecration of a corpse and theft, and sentenced to the maximum penalty.

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