
Alentejo wine supply 20% down - plus threat of tax rises

vinesAlentejo wine soon will be in short supply with production dropping 20% this season due to a baking hot summer with only sporadic and short-lived rainfall.

The region’s winemaking commission say the wine will be good but admits there will be a supply shortage from the region’s 1,900 producers who last year produced 115 million litres.

Another blow will be if the government goes ahead and raises the tax rates applicable to wine and other alcoholic drinks.

The president of Portugal’s Wine and Spirit Association said this will cause companies to collapse as domestic demand is forcibly reduced alongside a recent halving of key export markets such as Angola.

The association’s president, Ana Isabel Alves, said it the government went ahead and raised wine taxes as part of its 2017 State budget, this would do some serious damage to the sector.

As for the Algarve's wine-growing quality, journalists and wine critics of the largest newspaper in Belgium, with about 1 million daily readers, considered the 'Al-Ria Tinto 2015' the best among 100 wines from around the world.

This Algarve wine, which is sold at around €3.99 euros a bottle, was the only one that reached the top rating.

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