
Good will payments from Gatwick Airport for cancelled Christmas Eve flights

Good will payments from Gatwick Airport for cancelled Christmas Eve flightsPassengers who were affected by flight cancellations on 24 December to Gatwick are being offered £100 good will payment by Gatwick Airport. It's not being well publicised in the UK let alone here in Portugal, and may brighten up some travellers day!

Extraordinarily adverse weather across the region, including exceptionally heavy rain, caused all local waterways around Gatwick Airport to flood.

Stewart Wingate, London Gatwick Chief Executive, said: “We appreciate that lots of our passengers were travelling to be with their families over the festive period and we are sorry that flights were cancelled and passengers left disappointed, particularly at this time of the year.

With this in mind London Gatwick will be offering £100 of high street vouchers to each passenger whose flight was cancelled on Christmas Eve as a gesture of goodwill in recognition of the exceptionally difficult circumstances.

Passengers whose flights were cancelled due to the operational issues at Gatwick Airport should email: customer.services@gatwickairport.com with evidence of their booking on a flight due to depart from or arrive at Gatwick Airport on 24th December 2013 and with their postal address.

Subject to verifying details a voucher for £100 will be posted to passengers within 28 days of the application for payment.

E: customer.services@gatwickairport.com
More details: http://gatwickairport.tumblr.com/post/71742928429/london-gatwick-to-offer-gesture-of-goodwill-to

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