
São Brás de Alportel’s redevelopment starts by destroying a C19th building

SaoBraSquareSMALLReconstruction work in São Brás de Alportel started this Monday as the Largo de São Sebastião starts to be turned into a modern space designed to be 'less confusing for traffic and pedestrians.'

As reported yesterday in algarvedailynews, (http://algarvedailynews.com/news/10424-sao-bras-de-alportel-s-main-square-to-be-modernised-in-315-000-contract) mayor Vítor Guerreiro has decided that the square should be ‘facing the future’ and is spending €315,000 on redeveloping the area with promises of "green spaces, fountains that can be turned on and off so that people walk around the space freely, scenic lighting to enhance the heritage that exists, not only the statue of Bernardo Passos but the interesting buildings from a heritage point of view such as the old pharmacy building."

One of the first for jobs for the contractors has been to destroy a 19th century building, an act which, according to local association Al-Portel, in an 'unforgiveable and unwarranted attack' made more insulting by the use of the space as a temporary builder's yard.

The association commented that, "in São Brás, it seems that the practice of totally or partially destroying centenarian property in the heart of the Historical Center without any valid reason,” is acceptable.

Vítor Guerreiro was asked by local news service Sul Informação today, what exactly was his valid reason for the destruction. The answer was that "the plan is to create a nest of small businesses in the courtyard behind the destroyed building and the only way to do this was to make an entrance by knocking down the building."

This single statement sums up the problem the Algarve has with its heritage while those in charge display such tendencies.

Vítor Guerreiro told the reporter that he will rebuild part of the house and will we will be able to access an old garden, an embellished space that has a well and will have an architectural design that we want to safeguard."

According to the mayor, the only way to access this future ‘beautiful patio’ was by destroying anything in its path.

The mayor says that what the council is doing is "to value our heritage, not the other way around, as they are accusing us. The goal is to dignify that area."

Vítor Guerreiro added that the complaints are all political, the same futile tack taken by Olhão’s mayor António Pina when facing legitimate objection to similar Historic Centre modernisation plans.


For the full story in Portuguese, see: http://www.sulinformacao.pt/2016/11/obras-no-largo-de-sao-sebastiao-comecam-com-polemica-em-sao-bras-de-alportel/




Pictures from Sul Informaçao


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