More accidents but fewer deaths on the Algarve’s crumbling roads

accident125Thankfully, the number of deaths reduced by half last year but there were more accidents on the Algarve’s choked road system.

This is the second year running that the number of deaths on the Algarve roads fell, according to data from the National Road Safety Authority which reported 20 fatalities, 23 less than the previous year.

The accident rate was marginally up in 2013 with 8,365 accidents reported, 48 more than in 2012.  

Regarding seriously injured victims requiring more than 24 hours in hospital there also was a drop from 163 in 2012 down to 140 last year. This follows a trend established in 2011when road accidents caused 174 serious injuries in the region.

Nationally there was also a decrease in the number of deaths which fell from 2,060 to 2001 last year.

The number of cars on the road and hence the total number of journeys taken has fallen in the Algarve since the crisis began in 2008 as tolls, petrol prices and unemployment affects peoples desire and ability to travel.