
Digital marketing conference in Vilamoura - an Algarve first

crownePlazaVilamouraTwo local movers and shakers, both marketing professionals, have set up the Algarve’s first Digital Marketing Conference.

SHARE Algarve is supported by Vilamoura Word and will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vilamoura on February 4th.

The objective is the sharing of knowledge between professionals and the Algarve’s business community while promoting debate on the evolution and future of Marketing.

The agenda covers recent developments as well as news of the main digital platforms. Speakers include Ana Mendes, an expert on Facebook, Pedro Caramez a LinkedIn expert and Google trainer, Marco Gouveia.

The programme includes panel discussions where participants can have their questions answered by experts.

The organisers intend to contribute to the development of the region’s businesses. Delegates, many from the hospitality industry, will ensure the conference is engaging and topical.

Scott Bennett, the head of marketing at Vilamoura World, will be welcoming delegates to the conference and commented,

"This meeting will bring together some of the best digital marketing professionals,” and he hopes this will be the first of many such events.

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