
Algarve mayors demand answers to hospital chaos

barlaventohospitalAMAL, the group of Algarve council mayors, wants answers from the head of the Hospitals of the Algarve group and the Regional Health Authority about the complaints lodged by doctors about the poor working conditions in Portimão and Faro hospitals.

The president of AMAL, Jorge Botelho, said today that the Algarve’s 16 mayors met on Monday to consider the petition signed by 182 Algarve doctors who complained of a degradation in health care provided to the Algarve population citing the frequent postponement of scheduled surgeries, a lack of equipment and drugs, and delays in test results, and is to seek clarification from the relevant authorities.

"We decided to invite the president of the Algarve’s hospital group, the Regional Health Authority and doctors to come and chat with us and, having heard their  opinions, we can take a position on the issue," said Botelho.

The mayor of Tavira said this decision was taken as the "mayors recognise that there are many difficulties in the surgical area with operations, delays in consultations, a shortage of doctors, and the recent closure of some health facilities."

On Sunday, having read the letter sent out by the doctors, Jorge Botelho considered it a serious matter as the document outlined the poor condition of the hospitals in Faro and Portimão and was signed by 182 from a total of 230 doctors working in these two hospitals.
On Monday, the much-criticised president of the board of the Hospitals of the Algarve group, Pedro Nunes, termed it "ridiculous" and "unfair" that some doctors referred to shortages of medicines in Faro and Portimão and surgery postponed due to a lack of materials, but did admit there were problems.

The Regional Health Authority covering the Algarve issued a short statement on Monday stating that it "officially noted the contents of a letter signed by a group of doctors " and will ensure that all steps are to be taken in order to clarify and rectify this situation."

Whether the mayors group will be able to affect a conciliation or any lasting merit reamins to be seen but at least are prepared to break the deadlock where the doctors are now opposed and entrenched to management attempts to get the system running smoothly, albeit a system lacking in funds which can safely be blamed on the Troika, the economy and anyone currently in power.

The truth will out and Pedro Nunes' high-handed attitude to those doctors who he really needs to be on the same side may be his undoing.

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