
GNR traffic operation cancelled due to 'a change in the weather'

gnrIt was earlier reported:

On Wednesday 14th of January motorist are warned that the GNR will be out in force on the nation’s roads on an operation where the ‘surveillance of traffic’ in various parts of the country will bring in a welcome boost to its accounts from the fines issued.

The operation will cover all types of national, regional and local roads, and the GNR warns motorists that “violations for speeding are the most frequent and lead to an increased risk accidents"

The GNR will no doubt be looking for gaps in drivers’ paperwork including missing fiscal number cards or document which now must be carried in vehicles at all times.

Drivers' behaviour at roundabouts also will be observed by GNR officers and those seen not to observe the new roundabout laws will be stopped.

The new 'right hand land - turn right only' law seems still to have motoring groups, insurers and the driving public in confusion and the adherence to the legislation so far is close to zero.

The GNR admit to be fielding only 240 officers nationally for Operation Mercury which, when into groups of 4-6, should not be hard to spot.



The GNR reported today that Operation Mercury for the supervision and monitoring of road speed has been postponed due to a "change in the weather ."

The new date will be disclosed in due course, said the GNR. Probably when it brightens up a bit so officers won't get wet.

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