
Environment Agency halts groundworks at controversial Lagoa supermarket site

LagoaWetlandThe Algarve division of the all-powerful Portuguese Environment Agency has halted the groundworks going on in Lagoa that has seen thousands of cubic metres of earth piled on top of an environmentally sensitive wetland area, adopted by many rare species of bird.

The preparation of the site, supposedly for yet another supermarket in the oversupplied council capital, has caused outrage among environmentalists and members of the public who appreciate the wildlife haven so close to the city-centre.

While the council has taken cover under the desk, stating only that permission for the site was given ages ago under a former executive, bird-lovers have flown into action with a protest marked for this Sunday, February 12th at 10:00am and an online petition.

Representatives from Almargem and Quercus have scheduled a meeting with Lagoa’s mayor but today’s intervention by the Portuguese Environment Agency has highlighted that all is not in order and that the contractors may not have the necessary permissions to cover the ancient Alagoas Brancas wetland area with earth and rubble.

The APA inspection on February 7th concluded that the work being carried out exceeded the limit of the work set out in licence. This does not mean an end to the project but at least a breathing space has been opened up for the warring parties to get together.

The council has kept quiet as to whether or not the site is for a supermarket. If so, it will be Apolonia and Aldi, over the road from Pingo Doce and just down the road from Intermarché and Pão de Açúcar.

The low-lying freshwater site is a particularly unsuitable for building and car-parking, the land is not named Alagoas Brabcas for nothing as it remains wet all year around.

The area is highly suitable for the impressive variety of bird, mammal and insect life that lives there.


Public petition:





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