A body was found in the Algar Seco area of Carvoeiro on Saturday morning, May 20th. The grim discovery was made at around 10:30am and the authorities were alerted .
No identification was found on the body of the man who was wearing sports clothing and was estimated to have been about 30-year-old.
The body was transported to the Portimão morgue and will undergo an autopsy to determine the cause of death. The Judicial Police are investigating the case and are keen to find out who he was.
Algar Seco is a rocky area where people have fallen in the past, often with deadly consequences.
Speaking to the Lusa news agency, the Captian of the Port of Portimão said the body has some abrasions which may have resulted from a fall from the clifftop.
On Monday morning the man was identified by his wife as a 36-year-old Dutch tourist who had gone for an early morning jog.