
Thousands of drivers in Portugal set to lose their licenses

breathalizerAlmost 5,000 drivers are on the point of losing their driving licenses, according to the Road Safety Authority, and after a ban will have to re-sit their driving test before they are able legally to drive again.

Drivers on the brink of losing their licenses for serious and very serious road traffic offences now have been notified by the National Road Safety Authority which has contacted 4,700 drivers outlining the gravity of their situations.

Letters have been sent out  to those drivers that, with one more offence, will be banned.

This ban is enforced when a driver over a five year period commits three very serious offenses, or five serious ones. In addition to the humiliation of re-sitting a driving test, the driver has also to undergo 'psychological evaluation.'

Between 2010 and 2012 only 34 licenses were taken away from repeat offenders but the NRSA is getting tougher in applying the rules.

It will come as no surprise that speeding is the most recorded offence, talking on a mobile phone while driving is a close second – the rules are simple and now are to be applied with vigour - get caught enough times and you are out of circulation.

Some €76 million in fines were extracted from motorists' pocket in 2013 as the traffic police pressed on with a degree of fervour to achieve their annual government target for fines revenue.

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