
Loule council, surely an example to all...

louleLoulé council has dragged itself, kicking and screaming into the modern age of customer service and has decided to open its variuos departments over the lunch period so that its customers can ask questions at a convenient time.

Don’t all rush at once though, as this delicate new procedure will take three months to be fully operational.

The new hours between which customers can drop in for tea and sympathy will be 09.00 to 17.00.

These are the hours already worked by the Personnel department which is setting the pace. Next will be services that deal directly with the public including the planning department.

It is a brave new world for Loule’s council employees. Their noble leaders issued a communication to the press today -  

"This is another step in the municipality of Loulé and its administrative modernisation which intends to strengthen customer-oriented public services for its citzens."

“With these changes the citizens can drop in and deal with various issues during their lunch hour."

Loulé may be opening for more customer-facing hours but the standard of its service needs also to improve by a combination of staff training, reduction in waste and an improvement in attitude to its ratepayers.

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