
Two women fight off rapist in Faro and Olhão

olhaoNightTwo women have suffered separate serious attack in the Algarve. The victims, aged 25 and 29, managed to escape a man who struck in the space of three days..

One of the women had to receive hospital treatment after being assaulted in the pedestrian area of Olhão's historic centre in the early hours of June 30th.

The first attack happened last Friday at 00:30 in Rua Olímpio Passos Valente in Faro. The 29-year-old victim was seized by a man who covered her mouth with his hand and, while trying to undress her, groped intimate parts of her body.

The woman managed to wrench the man’s hand away and screamed for help, causing the attacker to throw her to the ground and flee.

The second attack happened early on Monday morning, July 3rd, at about 02:30 on Rua Vasco da Gama in Olhão when a man on a bicycle followed a 25-year-old woman for a few yards and then attacked her.

The woman was punched in the face and managed to run to a side street where she found people to help her. A chase ensued but the man managed to escape on his bike.

The Faro victim told the police that the suspect was dark-skinned, about 1.70m and between 25 and 30 years old.

The woman attacked in Olhão said that her attacker wore a blue sweatshirt, was about 30-years-old and was around 1.65m. She received hospital treatment for injuries sustained during what police are treating as an attempted rape.

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