
Taxi driver gunned down by Monchique council worker

MonchiqueTownViewThe Judicial Police service is investigating the violent death of a taxi driver on Tuesday night, July 11, who was gunned down in the entrance area of a restaurant cafe in Cabeça de Ferro, Monchique.

The incident occurred around 10:30 pm, at the ‘A Fonte’ restaurant after an argument broke out and one of the men went to his car to get a shotgun, returned and fired it at whom he thought was the cafe owner, but in fact was the taxi driver.

The dead man, known by his friends and customers as ‘Sr Pacheco’, was in his 70s and was killed with one blast from the shotgun after an argument about a woman clearly had got way out of hand, an argument that Pacheco seemed to have not been involved in.

The attacker, a Monchique council worker who suspected the cafe owner of having an affair with his wife, has a history of domestic violence. He was drunk and was restrained by locals who made sure he did not leave the scene of the incident before GNR officers arrived to arrest him.

Sr Pacheco was assisted on the spot by a National Institute of Medical Emergency team but the injuries were catastrophic and he died at the scene.

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