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Prosecutor charges 18 police with 'torture' of black men in Lisbon

PJBadgeAll officers at a station in the Alfragide area of Lisbon face trial on torture and racially-motivated crime charges over a 2015 incident.

All 18 officers at a Portuguese police station have been charged with torture, kidnapping and other crimes allegedly motivated by racism, prosecutors have said.

The Lisbon prosecutor's office said the crimes refer to an incident in 2015 when police clashed with young black men who had attempted to protest against another young man's arrest in a poor neighbourhood near the Portuguese capital.

The officers, representing the entire police force at the station in Alfragide will face trial for "torture and other cruel, degrading and inhuman treatment", unlawful imprisonment, grave abuse of their powers and violation of their duties, the prosecutor's office said on its website.

Police responded by invoking the principle of the presumption of innocence, adding that two officers had already faced disciplinary sanctions.

The charges were brought after a joint investigation by prosecutors and the Judicial Police that followed complaints by the families of the six men.

In February 2015, five of the men, aged 23 to 25 at the time, went to the station to protest against the "arbitrary and violent" arrest of one of their friends from Cova da Moura, a slum just 15 minutes drive away from the centre of Lisbon.

The five men were then also detained and "humiliated", the Diario de Noticias newspaper reported, citing the conclusions of a judicial investigation.

The six were held for 48 hours, during which they were "victims of tremendous physical and psychological violence by officials of an authority dominated by feelings of xenophobia, hate and racial discrimination," the Portuguese daily said.

At the time, the officers said dozens of young men had tried to force their way into the police station to free their friend, claims that were contradicted by the victims and other witnesses.

All six men were later cleared of charges of resisting arrest and assault.

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-1 #2 Damien 2017-07-14 10:58
It is so sad that Brussels does not enforce racial awareness in its member states and make an explicit link to structural funds. It is pointless any EU member state claiming to be applying equal rights amongst its citizens and all origins of its foreigners if, like Portugal, official data is not kept on racial type. There are only Portuguese and foreigners.

Unquestionably Portugal is hopelessly retarded in how its treats both ends of a Dulux colour chart. Us Whites may not be physically beaten up or shot like blacks here but our wallets are repeatedly thrashed - particularly if it is suspected we are not completely retired so are threatening to be 'effectively occupied'.

This is a link to a 2013 United States Human Rights report. Note p11 - The procedure to file a complaint of racial discrimination continues to be lengthy
and complicated. The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) suggested the current complaints system against police officers concerning racist or racially discriminatory acts was not functional and was seriously under reporting.

+1 #1 Hamilton 2017-07-13 14:25
I may be wrong but I cannot find any mention in the above of the April 2015 BBC report triggering off this actual prosecution of the police. The first enquiry cozily concluding that the Cabo Verde men had stormed the Police station and any damage was self inflicted.


It is here in graphic detail, including the reckless discharging of a gun by a policeman - twice. As the woman shot tells us ..."They treat us like animals," ... "It's a black neighbourhood - they treat us like we're all here to be exterminated"

The BBC must keep an eye on this or it will again be fudged. Many of us remember a couple of years ago at a football match the PSP officer beating up a father, the grandfather and traumatising his young child? Had that not been filmed and circulated worldwide it would have been passed off as self defence. And last we heard the PSP Officer has been promoted so the Police State referred to by the Cabo Verdian's is alive and well !

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