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Albufeira - drunken violence settles into an 'almost nightly' routine

albufeiraCrowdAn almost nightly ritual of punch-ups in Albufeira’s Oura district continue with two tourists injured in the early hours of Tuesday.

One of those involved, a 17-year-old Norwegian youth, suffered minor injuries and was transported by firefighters to Faro hospital.

The other injured tourist was taken to the Basic Emergency Service of Albufeira for assessment and treatment.

Incidents involving tourists, often the worse the wear from excessive drinking, continue to happen practically every night, especially in the bar area of Oura, aka The Strip.

At dawn on Monday, two Irishmen had to be helped by firefighters after they were set upon up at the junction of Rua Alves Correia and Avenida 25 de Abril.

A month ago, a 1,000 strong group of youths from the UK on an ‘Invade Portugal’ juncket, became embroiled in street brawls in Albufeira, reviving the issue of how best the authorities can control and react to street violence while enabling non-aggressive nightlife seekers free rein to enjoy themselves.

The Invade Portugal partygoers stayed at the Clube Praia da Oura resort for a five-day festival that promoted alcohol, events, entertainment and the chance to get laid in 'one of the biggest Summer Link ups.'

The GNR and riot police were called in on Sunday June 25th and cleared ‘the Strip’ area as violence flared outside a bar, leading to general disturbances, missiles being thrown at police, weapons discharged into the air by officers and some injuries among officers and revellers.


See also: 'Calm returns to Albufeira with bar owners calling for more visible policing'



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+3 #3 Emma B 2017-07-30 20:16
Without this disgraceful business, a lot of other businesses would not be operating like accommodation, restaurants, cafes and shops.
-4 #2 Charly 2017-07-26 18:08
As long as so many people earn so much money with this disgracing business, it will continue. That's the "practical" rule in Portugal.
+2 #1 Algarve lover 2017-07-25 20:42
And that's exactly why we don't go near the strip.... unfortunately Albufeira is getting tarred with the same brush, mention Albufeira to anyone these days and you can tell by their face what they are thinking. Clean it up ASAP!

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