
Algarve scammer steals €17,000 takings from Arrifana Sunset Festival

ArrifanaScammerOliver Peter Brüggert, or simply ‘Peter Oliver’, has absconded with €17,000 in takings from the Arrifana Sunset Festival, leaving the organisers unable to pay its suppliers and musicians.

The German, who worked with the festival’s finances for the past six years, has a history of theft and deception with a string of women claiming to have been lured by his charms, only to find themselves without a partner and significantly out of pocket.

Peter Oliver, aka, Oliver Peter Brüggert has been identified online on list of scammers with his cases going back to 2009 in Portugal and Italy.

The hunt is on to track down Oliver, whom the organisers reckon has left the country, leaving the devastated festival management team to set up a fundraising appeal to help them pay the bands who performed in what was hailed as the best Sunset Festival yet in its 13-year history.

The organisers have filed a complaint with the police and have posted information on social media networks, promising to do everything possible to find their former colleague and to get the money back.

There is scant chance of the Arrifana Fishermen's Association receiving a donation this year while Oliver, who also managed to pinch accommodation deposits, is at large and the money missing.

Meantime, the crowd-funding campaign continues apace, with the target set at €10,000.

Organiser, Bruno Rosmaninho, said this is a festival that "was born out of nowhere" and that until recently they had to help fund the costs.

Rosmaninho said that "what does not kill us, makes us stronger," and that next year's Arrifana Sunset Festival will take place "no matter what".

The organisers are trying to raise €10,000 to cover the outstanding debts,

“We need your help to try to make all the payments as soon as possible. Thus, we've decided to set a crowdfunding campaign so all of you can cooperate and be part of our festival. We are selling tickets for 2018 edition; the donations may be sent to buy a ticket or simply to be supportive. All the remaining money will be donated to the Arrifana Fishermen's Association.”

Contributions may be sent via: https://ppl.com.pt/en/prj/arrifana-sunset-fest






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