Standing Rock veterans join protestors in Odeceixe beach 'human message'

OilAriealShotSmallThe ‘No to oil drilling in Portugal!’ campaign on Saturday 12th August, took over much of Odeceixe beach on the western Algarve’s border with the Alentejo where around 1,000 people from 40 countries formed a large-scale human message on the sand.

The demonstration was part of larger campaign to stop plans for off-shore oil drilling in Portugal, especially in those southern areas dependent on tourism.

The event was part of the ‘Defend the Sacred’ international gathering in Tamera that was joined by Standing Rock leaders from the US and supported by environmental movements in Portugal.

The aerial human image of a dolphin was designed by John Quigley of Spectral Q and filmed by Ludwig Schramm and the team from Tamera.

As the oil companies continue to push to drill for oil off the Costa Vicentina as early as April 2018, the group came together “to honour that water is life, water is sacred, life is sacred, and that we must defend the sacred.”

LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard, initiator of the Sacred Stone Camp at Standing Rock said at the event, "I stood up for the water and the world stood with us, so I came here to stand with you. We have no choice, we must stand up for the water and we must stand up now!"

The 'Healing Biotope I Tamera' is “a peace research project with the goal to create the model for a future society that is free from hatred, lies, violence and fear.

“Since the original idea and founding in Germany in 1978, the Project of the Healing Biotopes went through many stages of development and new beginnings, until Tamera was founded in southern Portugal in 1995. Today 170 people live and work there and are connected with the growing international network and base stations in Israel-Palestine, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya and other countries.” (here)

As for the anti-oil protest: “Combining political action with art and prayer, a ceremony for water and fire, we dedicated this act of sacred activism to a regenerative system change from a culture of exploitation to one of cooperation with all that lives. And that is our duty – our mandate – to call people to stand up, because people are ready for an alternative."

The message on the sand featured the Linha Vermelha (Red Line) - a campaign created by Climáximo and the Academia Cidadã and represents the voices of those who repeatedly say “no” to the oil drilling here and in the world, and ... aim to inform and mobilise the population, who otherwise would not be aware and sensitised to this crime.”

Meanwhile, anti-oil collective, PALP, has prepared questions for local election candidates including asking what local council measures are in place to combat oil spills and to cope with a drop in tourism in such an event.




Fo an inspiring video of the event, go to and click on the poicture that says 'Não ao Furo! Sim ao Futuro'