
Portugal ranked 5th best country in which expats live and work

worldIn a survey, guaranteed to gain wide coverage across Portugal’s media, the country has been nominated as the fifth best in the world in which expats live and work.

The Expat Insider survey, conducted annually by InterNations, this year received opinions from 13,000 expatriates from 166 countries.

Respondents considered Portugal as the number one in terms of its friendly attitude towards foreigners, a key factor when assessing the ranking.

To the delight of the tourist board, Portugal is ahead of Spain’s number ten place, but Bahrain is number one, followed by Costa Rica, Mexico and Taiwan.

The worst places to live and work includes Brazil, Greece, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

The survey, which assesses the views of thousands of executives, skilled workers, students and retirees, shows that the United Kingdom (in 54th position) and the United States (at 43rd) have slipped down the table, the UK suffering from Brexit fears and the US from the Trump effect.

One of the favourite places where expatriates work is China, where two-thirds of respondents are happy with their careers. The country only ranks 55th because of the poor quality of life.




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0 #7 Susana 2017-09-12 16:29
Quoting Denby:
Well said Mr Booker, couldn't agree more.

Susana, you had me in fits of laughter, with your desire to change the subject from Peter Bookers comment.

You probably should have said
"more tea vicar"

First of all, I did not wanted to change any subject. My bad. In fact, I did not realize that was a rule here. You can only comment on the previous comment?? :o Wow! Bravo!
And that quote "more tea vicar"? Bravo to your education too. It could only come from your mouth.

Best regards,
0 #6 Denby 2017-09-09 18:19
Well said Mr Booker, couldn't agree more.

Susana, you had me in fits of laughter, with your desire to change the subject from Peter Bookers comment.

You probably should have said
"more tea vicar"
-1 #5 Susana 2017-09-07 15:18
Quoting Mike Towl:
As for living in Portugal, it's great. But working here? Fortunately most of the ex-pats here don't have to. If they did the favourable reaction to "living here" would, I think, be quiet different. First there's little work anyway (9%+ unemployed) and what there is attracts ultra low pay. As for starting up a business, I don't think so, suicide by red tape. I suppose the authors of the report didn't ponder the reasons why Portugal's brightest and best are abandoning Portugal for greener pastures. Should have asked them the best place to work.

Hello Mike! Did you try to start a business in PT? What went wrong in your case? Thanks
+3 #4 Peter Booker 2017-09-07 08:02
It is clear that this survey did not address the views of the thousands of Indians, Pakistanis and Filipinos who work in Bahrein to construct football stadia. They suffer unsafe and often lethal working conditions and long hours, with very few rights. Are they not also expatriates? How many other expat nationalities were not consulted?

As far as UK goes, the Brexit vote has brought to the surface shocking aspects of intolerance and xenophobia. Foreigners who lived and worked in Britain for years, even when married to Britons, are being subjected to nationalist rejection; they are being encouraged to leave Britain. Quite apart from the Little Englander reason for voting for Brexit, the whole campaign has revealed a cesspool of right-wing nationalist hatreds.
+1 #3 Mike Towl 2017-09-07 07:30
As for living in Portugal, it's great. But working here? Fortunately most of the ex-pats here don't have to. If they did the favourable reaction to "living here" would, I think, be quiet different. First there's little work anyway (9%+ unemployed) and what there is attracts ultra low pay. As for starting up a business, I don't think so, suicide by red tape. I suppose the authors of the report didn't ponder the reasons why Portugal's brightest and best are abandoning Portugal for greener pastures. Should have asked them the best place to work.
+3 #2 Neil M 2017-09-06 21:22
Portugal in 5th position world wide is very impressive.
Obviously the expats are enjoying their experience of Portugal and the one or two readers of ADN who complaint about their experience of Portugal are the exception.
Feel sorry for the UK in 54th place, perhaps brexit is to blame, but worry that there is worse to come when brexit actually happens in 2019.
-1 #1 Dennis.P 2017-09-06 17:22
As we can see with Brexit worries, there are mixed results in this survey that depends greatly on which nationalities do well in which countries. Portugal ranks very low, 65th, due to its historic neurotic handicap - on Opportunities to EU foreigners for Effective Occupation. i.e. non-existent support and obstruction to those intent on generating a living using Portuguese land and property.

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