As the Algarve’s residents and fortunate holidaymakers enjoy temperatures in the 30 degrees Centigrade range across all but the west coast, it seems incredible that by Friday, the long trousers may be out and jumpers shaken off after a long season in the bottom drawer.
There is about to be a significant change in the weather, starting tomorrow as temperatures start to drop, day by day, until the weekend, a few degrees at a time until the winds drive us all inside.
By Friday it will be eight degrees cooler than today as Autumn is swept in by a polar air mass that will hit the west coast and then the mountains, bringing gusts of about 70 kilometres per hour
According to the weather service, the influence of an anticyclone northeast of the Azores is the explanation for this significant change in the weather as from Thursday morning when the cold front starts to take effect.
Mind you, it’s all relative and Friday maximum temperatures still should be around 25 degrees Centigrade in the Vale do Tejo, Santarém, interior of the Alentejo and south coast of the Algarve.
As for the rest of the country, look out for 15 degrees Centigrade in Penhas Douradas and between 18 and 22 C over the rest of the country.
The night time temperature in the Alentejo will be around 6 to 8 degrees and the Algarve will plunge to 15 degrees, so make sure hot water bottles are fully operational and ready for action.
The weather service has a poor record in its predictions for the Algarve but we should expect some cooler weather with clear skies over the weekend.