Due to the amount of money budgeted for the building of a new sports club in Sagres, the court of auditors will be looking closely at the estimates provided by Regulconcrete, Construção Civil and Obras Públicas, SA., which aims to bill the council, over €800,000.
Adelino Soares, the mayor of Vila do Bispo, and Mário Guerreiro from the construction company have signed the contract for the alteration and expansion of the facilities that will become a new headquarters for the Clube Recreativo Infante of Sagres.
According to information provided by the municipality, the work will cost €869,103 and will take a year, once it starts.
The new HQ will be housed in the old Sagres #1 Primary School where the building will be completely remodeled. Next to this building the plan is to build a multipurpose pavilion.
This new combination will be the new centre for the entire cultural and sports programme for Sagres, which in 2011 has a population of 1.909.