Meco beach drowning tragedy - survivor charged

mecobeachThe survivor of the December student drowing tragedy 'Dux' (Joao Miguel Gouveia) may not be the only witness to that night's events that have been surrounded by increasing suspicions of a prank gone wrong, a university initiation ceremony that led to disaster and many other suggested reasons why intelligent students would put themselves so obviously in harm's way on a night when the sea was producing huge waves at a beach notorious for its treacherous conditons.

'Dux' has been made an ‘arguido’ (defendant) in the case of the deaths at Meco beach, Sesimbra, according to a lawyer who claimed today that there were "at least 12 people" on the beach where the accident took place on December 15th last year.

'Dux' Gouveia, who has remained elusive since the accident,  is now a defendant in a homicide case, according to Portugal’s Correio da Manhã but he is not the only witness to the death of six Lusophone University students and is no longer considered the sole survivor.

Questions need to be answered including why were the students dressed in student robes, how did Dux escape the freak wave, why was Dux the only one to take a mobile phone to the beach and how did it remain dry if he had been swept into the water?

Saturday's edition of Correio da Manhã contains a report with comments allegedly made by an official member of the Committee on Academic Initiations that the drowned students has their "feet bound with duct tape."

Why was the group dressed in traditional student robes? Why were they swallowed by the sea when their friend “Dux” was able to escape the force of the freak wave? Why was “Dux” the only one with a mobile phone on the beach, and why was it dry when inspected by police? - See more at:

The Judicial Police are to carry out a reconstruction of the night’s events and Dux will be helping out, as well as some of the victims' relatives who have managed to gather important information about events on the night that the students died.

Also participating will be members of the Judicial Police and the Maritime Police which was first on the scene after the alert had been raised by Gouveia.

Catarina Soares, 22, Andreia Revéz, 21, Carina Sanchez, 23, Joana Barroso, 22, Tiago André Campos, 21, and Pedro Tito Negrão, 24, all died at Meco beach.

Catarina Soares, 22, Andreia Revéz, 21, Carina Sanchez, 23, Joana Barroso, 22, Tiago André Campos, 21, and Pedro Tito Negrão, 24, all died on December 15. - See more at:
Catarina Soares, 22, Andreia Revéz, 21, Carina Sanchez, 23, Joana Barroso, 22, Tiago André Campos, 21, and Pedro Tito Negrão, 24, all died on December 15. - See more at: