
Temperatures to hit 36°C over the long weekend

11459With many workers planning a long, holiday weekend from Wednesday evening to next Monday morning, the weather in Portugal will offer clear skies and soaring temperatures with Faro steady at around 30°C over the weekend.

Some regions will have temperatures of up to 36°C, including the central Alentejo and Central areas, according to the medium range forecast from the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and the Atmosphere (IPMA).

This hot October weather is due to a mass of warm, dry air pushed into Portugal by an anticyclone to the southwest of the British Isles.

Thus, the maximum air temperature should rise on the 6th and 7th along the coast of the northern regions the Central region with highs of between 28 and 32°C.

For Lisbon and the Tagus Valley, and the interior of the Central and Alentejo regions the temperatures will shoot up to between 30 and 36°C over the weekend.

From Sunday, the heat will subside but the coming few days will be way above average for the time of year.

This is not good news for the country’s farmers, many of whom despair at the lack of rainfall with reservoirs down to levels that are barely sufficient to keep fish alive.


See IPMA at: https://www.ipma.pt/en/otempo/prev.localidade.hora/#Faro&Faro

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