
Inexperience makes Portugal an easy target for terrorist attacks

isisA counterterrorism expert says that intelligence services in many European countries are becoming more experienced, which may push terrorists into targeting Portugal.

The Israeli counterterrorism expert, Boaz Ganor, said that the growing numbers of tourists in Portugal and the increased security measures and skills in neighboring countries make Portugal "a convenient place" for terrorist organisations to plan and target their attacks.

Being part of the Schengen area and in the European Union places Portugal as a valuable target on the global map of global terrorism, "Portugal is fortunate not to have suffered terrorist attacks. I am not sure that this will not happen in the future," said the specialist at a conference at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences in Lisbon.

Ganor, the founder and director of the International Institute for Combating Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, has written several books on ways to combat terrorism.

“My recommendation would be to appreciate the fact that there have been no attacks but prepare for the day when there could be an attack.

“The fact that information and counterterrorism services in countries such as Spain, France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands are becoming more experienced, is starting to make life more difficult for terrorists to plan and commit attacks in these countries,” Boaz Ganor said.

"In this case you can see Portugal is a convenient place in which to organise attacks - inside or outside of the country,” explained the expert, adding that the growing number of tourists arriving in Portugal is good news for the country, but it is a phenomenon that "also serves as a good platform for a terrorist organisation to infiltrate Portugal."

As for the preparation of the Portuguese authorities to deal with a possible terrorist attack, Boaz Ganor commented, "I do not say that Portugal is a 'soft target', I believe that the Portuguese security services and the police have knowledge, have links with other European authorities and share experiences, but they do not have the experience on the ground that unfortunately others have,” said Ganor.

Preparation is the key, "If you want to attack Portugal, what would be the most valuable targets? What would be the modus operandi?" the Israeli expert said.

"There are things that can be done, I believe there are things to be done, I do not want to sound alarmist, that's for sure, but you can never have too much security.”

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