
25°C across the Algarve - ten more days of sunshine

6199The Portuguese weather service has announced its forecast of ten days of warmth for the Algarve, lasting until Halloween.

The weather forecast predicts temperatures above 25°C across the region, even nudging 33°C in some locations, with clear skies and a balmy breeze.

With only sporadic rainfall over the last few days, the ground quickly has dried off and the danger of forest fires remains high.

The Algarve has had no serious fires this summer, certainly none that have trapped villagers or fleeing drivers.

There have been small and medium-sized blazes down south but nothing like those witnessed in the central and northern regions which have lost 350,000 hectares to two major infernos, in July and October, and which claimed the lives of over 100 citizens.  

Care must be taken and vigilance heightened to prevent the Algarve from burning and, in the next few days, enjoy the warm autumnal sunshine but be aware that nighttime lows of 16°C to 17°C may necessitate the use of a light to medium weight blanket.

For day-to-day weather predictions, click on the IPMA website

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