
Quelfes microlight crash - pilot lost control

INEM125A team from Portugal’s air accident investigation service has been looking in detail into the microlight crash on October 5th, in which the British pilot died.
The provisional finding from the GPIAAF suggest that the pilot, 70-year-old Graham Dixon, lost control of the aircraft with which he was not fully familiarised.

Dixon, from the Armação de Pêra area, took up microlight flying a few years ago and was using a small airfield where a unofficial flying club operates.

According to the GPIAAF, Dixon lost control of the microlight which stalled and hit the ground as he attempted to climb left following a successful solo take-off after a training session with a more experienced pilot on board.

Mr Dixon was declared dead at the scene by an INEM ambulance team.

The investigation team will conclude its report which will be published, apportioning no blame and sticking to the facts relating to the crash.

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