
Portugal's workers have jobs to go to

joblessUnemployment in Portugal fell to 8.6% by the end of September, according to figures issued by the National Statistics Institute which dropped the final figure from an estimated 8.8%.

The number of jobless for September is the lowest since 2008, but still represents 442,000 people as officially out of work.

A year ago in September 2016, the jobless rate remained stubbornly over the ‘one in ten’ mark at 10.9%.

However these official figures are derived, the methodology is unwavering and the trend is downwards.

The main issue remains 'youth unemployment' with one in four out of work - 25.7% to be precise

The seasonal nature of many tourism jobs normally produces a rise in unemployment over the winter months but, living for the moment, the news is positive as Portugal continues its run of newsworthy statistics that is catching even the gimlet eye of the Brussels beancounters who admit, ‘things ain’t as bad as they used to be.’

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