
Hottest October for 87 years

6199October was the driest month for 20 years and the warmest one for 87 years with an average maximum temperature 5°C above the normal value.

The Portuguese weather service reports that October 1931 was a tad hotter than the one we have just had, with the 15th October being the hottest.

There were two heat waves, from 1 to 16 and from 23 to 30 October, which affected a large part of the country except along the slightly cooler coastline regions.

Rainfall in October was almost non-existent at 30% of the normal amount, bringing the driest October for past 20 years and leaving the country in severe drought (24.8%) and extreme drought (75.2%).

On the first three days of November, the chances of rain in Faro are: 69%, 86%, and 100% with temperatures easing from 23°C to 21°C.

Despite rain forecast, there remains a high risk of forest fires with the current state of alert extended until November 15th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has announced.

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