Firefighters sniff out cannabis growing operation

cannabisA blaze at a caravan last weekend was swiftly dealt with by firefighters who sniffed that all was not quite as it seemed.

The fire started last Friday night in Alagoa, Santa Bárbara de Nexe, with GNR and bombeiros soon on the scene.

The caravan was located next to a greenhouse which also has suffered some damage, including to a healthy crop of cannabis plants which were seized by the GNR, as were the two occupants of the caravan, aged 56 and 38, who were taken in for questioning.

The fire was put out by 2am on Saturday morning when suspicions were aroused and the firefighters spotted that the contents of the greenhouse were not strictly legal.

In total, 82 plants in pots were seized, some of them rather singed.

Various items used in the cultivation of drugs were taken away as evidence of this home grown business and the two will be charged with drug offences.