Algarve wine production beats all records

wineThe Annual Forum of Portuguese Wines, saw the Algarve Wine Commission announce that the region’s output was nowhere near the 20% increase that had been hoped for, in fact the Algarve’s output was 50% up on last season.

According to the Commission, this growth rate will help the Algarve assert itself as a serious and skilled wine producing region and helped the national output increase 4% on last year.

Organised by ViniPortugal, producers and associations at the Annual Wine Forum of Portugal heard the most recent statistical data and studies on the Portuguese wine supply at national and international levels. The prospects were very encouraging for wine sector businesses, especially in the Algarve where the boost in output has ensured ample supply for new markets.

Overall, the Angolans are buying again, with Brazil up 55% on its 2016 import total.

The Commission emphasised the European market where, in general, the main European wine-consuming countries are stagnating or decreasing their consumption levels, but where Portuguese wines are doing well in two key markets, the United Kingdom and Germany.



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